Feature Detection Output

Feature detection outputs a pandas dataframe with several variables. The variables, (with column names listed in the Variable Name column), are described below with units. Note that while these variables come initially from the feature detection step, segmentation and tracking also share some of these variables as keys (e.g., the feature acts as a universal key between each of these). See Tracking Output for the additional columns added by tracking.

Variables that are common to all feature detection files:

tobac Feature Detection Output Variables
Variable Name Description Units Type
frame Frame/time/file number; starts from 0 and increments by 1 to N times. n/a int64
idx Feature number within that frame; starts at 1, increments by 1 to the number of features for each frame, and resets to 1 when the frame increments n/a int
hdim_1 First horizontal dimension in grid point space (typically, although not always, N/S or y space) Number of grid points float
hdim_2 Second horizontal dimension in grid point space (typically, although not always, E/W or x space) Number of grid points float
num Number of grid points that are within the threshold of this feature Number of grid points int
threshold_value Maximum threshold value reached by the feature Units of the input feature int
feature Unique number of the feature; starts from 1 and increments by 1 to the number of features identified in all frames n/a int
time Time of the feature Date and time object/python datetime
timestr String representation of the feature time YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS object/string
y Grid point y location of the feature (see hdim_1 and hdim_2). Note that this is not necessarily an integer value depending on your selection of position_threshold Number of grid points float
x Grid point x location of the feature (see also y) Number of grid points float
projection_y_coordinate Y location of the feature in projection coordinates Projection coordinates (usually m) float
projection_x_coordinate X location of the feature in projection coodinates Projection coordinates (usually m) float
lat Latitude of the feature Decimal degrees float
lon Longitude of the feature Decimal degrees float