tobac - Tracking and Object-Based Analysis of Clouds

tobac is a Python package to identify, track and analyze clouds in different types of gridded datasets, such as 3D model output from cloud-resolving model simulations or 2D data from satellite retrievals.

The software is set up in a modular way to include different algorithms for feature identification, tracking, and analyses. tobac is also input variable agnostic and doesn’t rely on specific input variables, nor a specific grid to work.

In the current implementation, individual features are identified as either maxima or minima in a two-dimensional time-varying field (see Feature Detection Basics). An associated volume can then be determined using these features with a separate (or identical) time-varying 2D or 3D field and a threshold value (see Segmentation). The identified objects are linked into consistent trajectories representing the cloud over its lifecycle in the tracking step. Analysis and visualization methods provide a convenient way to use and display the tracking results.

Version 1.2 of tobac and some example applications are described in a peer-reviewed article in Geoscientific Model Development as:

Heikenfeld, M., Marinescu, P. J., Christensen, M., Watson-Parris, D., Senf, F., van den Heever, S. C., and Stier, P.: tobac 1.2: towards a flexible framework for tracking and analysis of clouds in diverse datasets, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4551–4570,, 2019.

The project is currently being extended by several contributors to include additional workflows and algorithms using the same structure, syntax, and data formats.
